Result To Show Filter Criteria Menus




The Results to Show toolbar features five drop-down menus for filtering folder comparison results. These are known as the filter criteria menus. You can filter by file/subfolder name (before the extension), file type (extension), last modified date, file size, and comparison result. Each drop-down provides options for that criterion, and you can combine filters to create custom results.


Example: To show only Excel spreadsheets worked on this month, use:

Type: "XLSX"

Date: "This Month"


hmtoggle_arrow1Name filter


hmtoggle_arrow1Type filter


hmtoggle_arrow1Date filter


hmtoggle_arrow1Size filter


hmtoggle_arrow1Result filter



button-info - 32x32

These filter differs from the Include/Exclude filters, which control what files/folders are included in a comparison/synchronization.



See Also:

Filtering the Comparison Results