Options (Include/Exclude)






If you want the program to exclude (ignore) System files or folders, or Hidden files or folders from a comparison/synchronization, use these four options.


Place a check checkedbox in the box of the item you want ignored/excluded.


Include/exclude filters


You use Include/Exclude filters to limit the files & folders the program compares and synchronizes. The Include filters specify the items to include, while the Exclude filters specify the ones to exclude.  You create a list of file patterns for each of the filter types.  File and folder names that match a pattern in the list are included or excluded, depending on the type of filter they are. (Don’t confuse these filters with the Results To Show filters you use to show/hide items on the comparison result panes)


hmtoggle_arrow1What is a file pattern?


hmtoggle_arrow1When to use an include/exclude filter


hmtoggle_arrow1How to add an include/exclude filter


hmtoggle_arrow1How to remove a filter from the list


hmtoggle_arrow1How to create, save, and load filter lists


hmtoggle_arrow1How are conflicting filters handled?


hmtoggle_arrow1Can I filter subfolders using include/exclude filters?


Honor these settings...


There are two additional informational settings on this tab:


1.Honor these settings on a subfolder copy/move/delete

2.Honor these settings on a subfolder copy/delete during synchronization


At present, you cannot set these options. These behaviors are hard-coded into FolderMatch. They are informational only to notify you when the Include/Exclude filter settings will be applied and when they won't.  A future version of the program might allow you to change these defaults.


Honor these settings on a subfolder copy/move/delete

When you select a subfolder on a comparison result pane and ask the program to copy/move/delete it, should the program do this to all the contents of the subfolder or only the contents that match the Include/Exclude filters?  Here, the program defaults to copying/moving/deleting the entire subfolder with all of its contents.  It ignores the include/exclude filters.


Honor these settings on a subfolder copy/delete during synchronization

When the program is synchronizing two subfolders for you, should it copy/delete all the contents of the subfolders or only the contents that match the Include/Exclude filters? Here, the program defaults to copying/deleting only the contents which match the filters. It honors the include/exclude filters.