Synchronization Options window




When you select Synchronize from the Toolbar, File menu, or Context Menu, the Synchronization Options window will appear. This window allows you to specify how you want the folders to be synchronized by selecting a synchronization method from a list.


Synchronization Method


This list contains methods you can choose from to instruct the program how you want to synchronize the two folders. Each method defines actions that the program should take on the items in the folders.

As you select the synchronization methods from the drop-down list, an explanation of the method appears beneath the selected option. You may select from one of twelve predefined methods or you can create your own custom synchronization method.


How to define a custom synchronization method?

1.Select the "Custom" option from the list.  




2.Click on the Custom synchronization definition link to bring up a window where you can define the behaviors you want.





See the Synchronization Methods topic for more details.


Synchronize selected items only

If you want to synchronize only the selected items in the Comparison Results Pane, check checkedbox this box.


Use Recycle Bin for deletions, if available

If you want items moved the to Recycle Bin rather than permanently deleted, check checkedbox this box.  (Note that this option only applies when Windows allows moving of items


If you no longer wish to see this window, check checkedbox the "Don't show this again" box.  You can also turn this window on/off from the Options window/Synchronize tab.


See Also:

Synchronization Methods