The Start Page in Compare Folders mode
To compare two folders, select the folders then press the Ready button. Step-by-step instructions follow:
From the Start Page, enter Compare Folders mode by pressing the Compare Folders button on the left-side navigation bar.
a. To select a single folder
•Drag a folder on to one of the folder selection areas. •Alternatively, click on the 'click here' link to open a Browse for Folders dialog to select the folder. •You can also copy and paste a folder path into the selection area.
(Note: Dragging a folder will not work if you run FolderMatch "As Administrator" due to a Windows security feature.)
![]() The folder selection area
b. To select a pair of folders
•Click on the Recent Comparisons link in the header to open the Recent Folder Comparisons window. •Select the recent comparison that contains the desired pair of folders.
•Click on the Options link, located to the right of the small gear icon, to adjust the compare folder options according to your needs.
•Click on the Ready button to start the comparison of the two folders. Before both the Left and Right folders are selected, the Ready button will be gray and non-clickable, displaying "Not Ready." Once both folders are selected, the button will turn green, become clickable, and display "Ready."