Compare Files - File Lists


File List

File List


The File Lists appear on the Compare Files window. This is where the user enters the file to compare.  


There are several ways to enter a file:


Press the Select File action button. This will bring up a Select File dialog from which you can select a file.


Type in the path to the file in the editable portion of the drop-down File List.  To ease the typing of long file paths, the program will attempt to auto-complete the path as you type. You can turn this on/off from the Options window.


Select a file from the list.  Click the arrowcombo_arrowon the right side of the list to see a drop-down of the last 50 files compared.      


Last, you can drag-and-drop a file into the File List.  You can do this from any Windows' application that provides drag-and-drop capabilities.  So, for example, you can drag a file from the Desktop into the File List. (Note that if you use the "Run as Administrator" option when starting FolderMatch, drag-and-drop won’t work.  This is a Windows security feature.)


See Also:

Compare Files by Text Content