Compare Files - Find window


Find window

Find window



The Find window provides advanced search options for locating specific text within the file comparison results.
How To Access


Click on the Advanced Find link in the Quick Find area

Use the Ctrl+F shortcut

Select Find from the Search Menu


How To Use


Enter the text you want to search for in the text box at the top of the window.

Select the desired Options

Press the Find button


Navigate Matches


If the search is successful, the program navigates to the line in the file.

To find the next match, press F3 or select Find Next from the Search Menu.

To find the previous match, press Shift+F3 or select Find Previous from the Search Menu.

If no match is found, the program displays a message stating that.  






Use the drop-down list to determine how the search text is matched:

Start With

oFinds lines where the text begins with the specified search term.

oExample: Searching for "File" will match "FileComparison" but not "ComparisonFile".

End With

oFinds lines where the text ends with the specified search term.

oExample: Searching for "File" will match "ComparisonFile" but not "FileComparison".


oFinds lines where the text contains the specified search term anywhere within it.

oExample: Searching for "File" will match both "FileComparison" and "ComparisonFile".

Is Equal to

oFinds lines where the text exactly matches the specified search term.

oExample: Searching for "File" will only match lines that contain exactly "File".



Specify the search direction with the drop-down list:


oSearches the entire file, starting from the current row down to the end.

oIf no match is found, it continues from the first row back to the current row.


oSearches downward from the current row.


oSearches upward from the current row.



Choose which pane to search in:





4.Match Case

Specify whether the search should consider case differences or ignore them

Match Case

oSelect this checkbox to match the exact combination of uppercase and lowercase letters specified in the search term.

oExample: Searching for "File" will match "File" but not "file" or "FILE".

Ignore Case

oIf this checkbox is not selected, the search will treat uppercase and lowercase letters as the same.

oExample: Searching for "File" will match "File", "file", "FILE", and any other case variations.


Using these options, you can customize your search to efficiently find the specific text you are looking for within the comparison results.