Compare Files - Search Menu




This Search Menu appears on the Compare Files window. It contains the commands to navigate the differences, search for text, manage bookmarks, and go to a specific line.


Here are brief explanations of the menu options:


Show first difference

Navigates to the beginning of the first differing section.

Show next difference

Navigates to the beginning of the next differing section.

Show previous difference

Navigates to the beginning of the previous differing section.

Show last difference

Navigates to the beginning of the last differing section.


Searches both files for matching text.  

Find next

Searches both files for the next occurrence of matching text.

Find previous

Searches both files for the previous occurrence of matching text.

Toggle bookmark

Places a bookmark bookmark16x16 in the Tray area of the selected line, if there is none there.  Removes the bookmark if there is one already.

Next bookmark

Navigates to the next bookmark.

Previous bookmark

Navigates to the previous bookmark.

Clear all bookmarks

Removes all bookmarks.

Go to line...

Navigates to a line number in one of the files.


Note that most of these commands are available on the the window itself.