Compare Files - Status Bar

The Status Bar runs along the bottom of the Compare Files window and provides status information. It is divided into four sections or panels, each displaying specific details:


1.First Panel

oDescription: Displays information about the items in the left comparison result pane.

oAdditional Info: Sometimes shows other status messages relevant to the current operation or state of the program.


2.Second Panel

oDescription: Displays information about the items in the right comparison result pane.


3.Third Panel

oDescription: Shows a summary of the differences between the two files.

oDetails: Displays a count of orphan/missing sections. Orphan sections are those present in one file but missing in the other.


4.Fourth Panel

oDescription: Also shows a summary of the differences between the two files.

oDetails: Displays a count of changed sections. Changed sections are those where content differs between the two files.


Each of these panels provides critical information at a glance, helping you understand the comparison results and status of the files being compared.


Example: Status bar panels three and four showing orphan and change counts.

