Mark for Removal rules provide instructions for FolderMatch about which duplicate files you want to keep and which ones you want to mark/select for removal. You choose one of these rules and FolderMatch will mark the files that match the rule in each duplicate group.


You can select a rule from two locations on the Find Duplicate Files window:


1.The Mark button on the main toolbar

2.The Mark Multiple Files button on the Results tab->Mark Files toolbar.





On Main toolbar


On Mark Files toolbar


Click on the arrow on either of these buttons to see a drop-down list of rules.


 Mark for Removal rules

Mark for Removal rules






In each group of duplicates, do the following:

Mark Newest

Mark the one file with the most recent Last Modified Date

Mark Oldest

Mark the one file with the oldest Last Modified Date

Keep Newest, Mark Others

Mark all the files except for the one with the most recent Last Modified Date

Keep Oldest, Mark Others

Mark all the files except for the one with the oldest Last Modified Date

Mark All In Drive

Mark all the files in the drive specified by the user

Keep All in Drive, Mark Others

Mark all the files not in the drive specified by the user

Mark All in Folder

Mark all the files in the folder specified by the user

Keep All in Folder, Mark Others

Mark all the files not in the folder specified by the user

Mark Based on Size

Mark all files whose file size is larger than the user-specified size

Mark Based on Date

Mark all files whose Last Modified Date is older than the user-specified date

Mark All Matching File Mask

Mark all the files that match the user-specified file mask/pattern

Keep All Matching File Mask, Mark Others

Mark all the files that do not match the user-specified file mask/pattern

Mark the Smallest File

Mark the one file with the smallest file size

Mark the Largest File

Mark the one file with the largest file size

Keep Smallest, Mark Others

Mark all the files except for the one with the smallest size

Keep Largest Mark Others

Mark all the files except for the one with the largest size



Some rules select one file per group (e.g., Mark Oldest, Mark Newest, Mark Smallest, Mark Largest). If multiple files in a group match the rule (e.g., files with the same date or size), FolderMatch will select the first matching file in the group.