File operation Confirmation window


FolderMatch provides safeguards to ensure that you lose none of your data by accident. One safeguard is a confirmation that appears before every copy, move, or delete file operation. To continue with the action, you must select Yes. To cancel the action, you must select No.


A message, like the one shown below, appears before a Copy/Move/Delete operation.


Sample Confirmation message

Sample Confirmation message


You can see the list of items the program is about to copy,move, or delete by clicking the Show details link.  To hide the list of items, click the Hide details link.


Confirmation message w/ details shown

Confirmation message w/ details shown


If you don't want the program to show these confirmations before every file operation, place a check checkedbox in the "Don't show this again" box. Alternatively, you can turn off the Show Confirmation Message feature on the General tab of the Options window.