Compare Folders - Folder Action Buttons


These four buttons appear on the Compare Folders window to the right of each folder list drop-down.




From left to right these buttons perform the following functions:

Select Folder

Up to Parent

Create New Subfolder

Explore This Folder


Select Folder


Description: Opens a "Browse For Folders" dialog, allowing you to select a folder for comparison.

Usage: Click this button to navigate through your file system and choose a folder you want to compare.




Up to Parent


Description: Changes the path of the current folder displayed in the Folder List to its parent directory.

Example: If the current folder is D:\Projects\Photos\, pressing this button will change the folder path to D:\Projects\.


Create New Subfolder


Description: Creates a new subfolder within the folder specified in the Folder List.

Usage: Click this button to add a new subfolder to the currently selected directory.





Explore This Folder


Description: Launches Microsoft File Explorer, opening it to the current folder.

Usage: Click this button to quickly access and view the contents of the current folder in File Explorer.