


This Print window comes up when you print folder or file comparison results.  This window allows you to select the printer, choose what to print, set the orientation, and specify details to include in the header.



This drop-down lists all available printers. Select the printer you want to use. If your desired printer is not in the list, add it via Windows' Control Panel/Printers settings. Refer to your Windows documentation for details.


Print to File

You can print the comparison results to a printer or to a text file. Check checkedbox the "Print to File" box to print to a file. If you choose this option, the program will prompt you to specify a path and name for the file.


What to print

Choose which side of the comparison results you want to print. Options include:


Left side

Right side

Both sides



Select the page orientation:



oPrints the page vertically.

oConsider using when you have many items in the results. This mode may reduce the number of pages needed.



oPrints the page horizontally.

oConsider using when you have very long subfolder or file names that would be truncated in Portrait mode.



Specify whether to include the following in the print-out heading:


Page number
