

These options allow you to change the sounds the program uses.


Associating Sounds with Program Events


FolderMatch offers the option to associate sounds with various events within the program, adding a touch of personalization and functionality to your experience.


You can configure FolderMatch to play a sound when one of the following events occurs:  

Program Start

Program Exit

Folder Comparison Completion

Folder Synchronization Completion

Duplicate Search Completion

Duplicate Removal Completion

Multiple File Rename Completion

Multiple Date/Time Change Completion



While there may not be a compelling reason for the program to play a sound when it starts or exits, this feature is available just for fun. It allows you to personalize FolderMatch, making the program feel more customized to your preferences.



Associating a sound with the completion of a lengthy task is particularly useful. Some comparisons or synchronizations can take a long time to finish. During this time, you might minimize FolderMatch to work on other tasks or even step away from your computer. In such cases, an audible cue indicating that the program has completed the task can be very handy. It ensures you are promptly informed when your comparison or synchronization is done, allowing you to resume work on the results immediately.

By customizing sounds for specific events, you can enhance both the enjoyment and efficiency of using FolderMatch.


hmtoggle_arrow1What type of sound files does the program accept?


hmtoggle_arrow1How to turn all sounds off or on


hmtoggle_arrow1How to associate a wave file with an event


hmtoggle_arrow1How to specify that an event should have no wave file associated with it