Find Duplicates - Folders to Search


Find Duplicates window - Folders to search

Find Duplicates window - Folders to search


The Folders to search area appears on the Search tab of the Find Duplicates window. This is where you specify the folders you want to search for duplicates.


This window consists of the following elements:


1. Explorer

Use the Explorer to choose a folder.  


2. Folders List

The Folders List displays a list of folders.

Note: The program will search only the folders in the list that have checks checkedbox in their boxes.


3. Add Folder button

The Add Folder button adds the selected folder to the Folders List.


4. Clear List button

The Clear List button removes all folders from the Folders List.


How to Add a Folder to the Folders List
You can use the following methods to add a folder from the Explorer to the Folders List:


1.Double-click on a folder in the Explorer.

2.Drag a folder from the Explorer into the Folders List.

3.Select a folder in the Explorer and click the Add Folder button.


How to Remove a Folder from the Folders List
You can use the following methods to remove folders from the Folders List:


1.To remove all folders, click the Clear List button.

2.To remove a single folder, click the red remove image redx_removelistitem that appears on the right side of the row when your mouse is over it.

